Sunset is the quietest time for you to think...


Grabbing the sun, the king of shine...


Life is like silhouette if you ignore the time


Landing on the moon isn't an empty dream

The River

Just let Life flow like a river and follow the mainstream...

Senin, 19 April 2010

Key Of The World

Here We are born
in the world full of colors
blue, white, black, and red
but we are still blind

God has created this world without any key
God just gives us knowledge to open it
but we know all doors need a key
so welcome to key
then you can open all the doors of the world...

By, Andes Kurnia (03042009)

Key Is the Only Key to Open The World

It is easy to understand that English has become the most spoken language by all the people under the sun. English, even, is the only truly universal language in which many countries of the world, and the people, can speak the language. The principles and the patterns of English are developed every day, following the development of period, by linguists. It is the aims of KEY to discuss and share the knowledge of English in which about the history, the development, and the modern expression of English.Most people today in Indonesia, especially the students, extremely expect to study abroad or work abroad. It causes them to study, analyze, and even to master English as a support for their capability to go abroad. All the efforts, indeed, will be useless without any clear comprehension of any media—books, magazines, newspapers, and internets—, because, it is a fact that some people are still confused of the use and the function of English. Finally, in many cases there are a lot of people giving up in the rest way of their learning process.

In the globalization era, English institutions are established; include the organizations, based on introduction, education, and guidance. They also committed themselves to the realization of successful goals, with specific targets that can be achieved by the learners. This action among the institutions is aimed as an achievement to create a successful learner in learning English. Nevertheless, it should be supported by the learners’ will too. And the students, even, must make significant performances in the class. But, the tight of their schedule outside, sometimes doesn’t encourage them to realize that.—especially for workers.

To reduce all the problems and to advance English learning process, KEY tries to take a part in introducing and discussing all texts related to English itself to the society generally, and the students especially. These efforts are based on the reality of the learners’ difficult feelings for their failures in learning English. Grammar is a critical problem. It needs special explanation, which must not only explain the students about the use, but must also have the best way—and the reason of “why” questions sometimes—in giving the learners clear comprehension.

This Blog which is the title “All about English” attempts to complement the efforts in resolving the problems that creates confusion to the learners in their learning process. And though many blogs have existed in the internet explaining about English, KEY hopes that this additional blog can complete the learners’ need in understanding English more and more. Moreover, we hope that it can ensure the learners that it‘s effective on the way of conveying.

Finally, we are Indonesian Learners, are standing in the world that forces us to face the challenges of globalization. Having only dream will not suffice. A will shall be burned to realize the biggest actions to be a successful man. I hope readers will find that KEY has given new insight about English, and has responded those challenges, to resurgent becoming the new era of Indonesia in the world. And it’s here we are providing for you, KEY, the only key to open the world.

Sincerely Yours

Andes Kurnia,SS

There's a reason how english is universal language

English is without a doubt the actual universal language. It is the world's second largest native language, the official language in 70 countries, and English-speaking countries are responsible for about 40% of world's total GNP. English can be at least understood almost everywhere among scholars and educated people, as it is the world media language, and the language of cinema, TV, pop music and the computer world. All over the planet people know many English words, their pronunciation and meaning.The causes for this universality are very well known and understandable. English first began to spread during the 16th century with British Empire and was strongly reinforced in 20th by USA world domination in economic, political and military aspects and by the huge influence of American movies. The concept of a Universal Language is more significant only now, in the era of world mass communication. Before this era Greek, Latin, French were to some extent universal languages, though mainly in Europe.

By a lucky coincidence due to factors above, English, the Universal language, is one of the simplest and easiest natural languages in the world. The only other simple and easy languages are constructed ones. Of course the concept of easiness is relative, and it depends on which language you know already. However the concept of simplicity is undeniable: English in an easy language to learn, understand and speak. A complex language such as Hungarian would be a very unlikely candidate for a universal language.

First of all, English Language uses Latin alphabet, the most universal, simple and short one (only the Greek alphabet is shorter and simpler). In addition, in English, the Latin Alphabet presents its most "clean" form as a true alphabet with only 26 basic letters and no diacritics;

Verb conjugation is very simple and easy. Even for irregular verbs, there is almost no variation in person (except 3rd singular in present tense).

Regular verbs have only four forms: Infinitive + Present, Past Tense + Past Participle, 3rd person singular Present Indicative, Present Participle.

There are almost no Inflections. No number or gender inflection for adjectives, articles, adverbs. For adjectives there is only comparative and superlative, almost only number for nouns. In pronouns there are gender and number inflections and only three declension cases (Acc/Dat, Nom, Gen).

English is one of the most analytical languages, with no significant synthetic, fusional or agglutinative characteristics.

Historically, the British, even, who conquered most widely, spoke English. They colonized North America - most North Americans are descended from the colonists and speak English. They conquered parts of South America, and those pockets speak English. They conquered Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India.

Currently, Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca, is the dominant international language in communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy.

Taken From Many Resources By: ANDES KURNIA


Kurnia English Yard (KEY) adalah sebuah kursus privat Bahasa Inggris profesional. 
Kursus privat ini diawali pada tanggal 1 Januari 2012. Kurnia English Yard (KEY) memiliki guru-guru profesional yang memiliki latar belakang ilmu Bahasa Inggris yang mumpuni (Lulusan S1 Fakultas Sastra Inggris), dan juga memiliki pengalaman mengajar Bahasa Inggris yang cukup panjang. 

Sebagaimana diketahui, kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap Bahasa Inggris semakin meningkat. 
Bersamaan dengan itu, sempitnya waktu untuk mempelajarinya, dikarenakan adanya aktifitas-aktifitas lain, seperti bekerja, kuliah, dan sekolah, membuat banyak masyarakat yang lebih memilih untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris secara privat, ketimbang harus datang ke lembaga-lembaga kursus.

Sebagai wadah pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, tentu saja Kurnia English Yard (KEY) memberikan pelayanan terbaik, seperti program-program belajar dan metode belajar yang menyenangkan. Berikut program-program yang ditawarkan kepada Anda:

1) English For Students: Program ini dikhususkan bagi para mahasiswa dan juga siswa-siswa sekolah yang ingin mendapatkan bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris. Kurikulum yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di kampus atau di sekolah, serta tambahan materi dari Kurnia English Yard (KEY) demi pemantapan pemahaman Bahasa Inggris bagi para mahasiswa dan siswa.

2) General English: Program pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris secara bertahap, dari level per level, yang mana diawali dengan mengikuti test penempatan level yang diberikan oleh Kurnia English Yard (KEY). Level-level tersebut adalah: Pra-Beginner, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Beginner 3, Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Flyer 3, dan Master 1, Master 2, Master 3.

3) English For Worker: Program pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan pekerjaan, seperti; perkenalan, pembuatan surat-surat, dan persiapan presentasi pekerjaan, dan lain-lain.

4) English Conversation: Program pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan bicara Bahasa Inggris. Program ini memiliki 6 (enam) level, seperti: Conversation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6.

5) TOEFL Preparation: Program ini adalah bagi yang ingin melakukan persiapan TOEFL. Proses pembelajaran pada program ini sangat teratur dan fokus mempelajari: Listening Skill, Reading Skill, Written and Structure Skill, dan Speaking Skill.

Demikianlah sekilas tentang Kurnia English Yard (KEY), semoga dapat memberikan penggambaran singkat bagi anda semua. Kurang lebihnya mohon maaf, dan terimakasih atas perhatian anda.

Contact us (Further Information):

Mr. Andes Kurnia (0821-146-313-50)
Miss. Sri Sulistia Wati (0813-158-970-08)

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